Dental Services Annapolis, MD
We offer a wide range of dental services to fit almost any need.
West Annapolis Family Dentistry proudly provides dental care services for children, adults, and seniors. Our compassionate, professional team is dedicated to providing the highest level of care possible. We use the most advanced techniques to provide care that is tailored to your needs. Please take a look below to see the different treatments and services provided by West Annapolis Family Dentistry.

Preventative Dentistry
Preventative dentistry means to take care of all the routine cleaning and tooth maintenance, before cavities and tooth decay ever have a chance to form. With proper dental care and direction, we can reach this goal with all our patients.
- Prevent tooth problems with regular exams & cleanings.
- Detect cancer in its early and most treatable stages with oral cancer screenings.
- Learn how to properly brush your teeth by reading our brushing tips.
- Learn how to properly floss your teeth by reading our flossing tips.

Restorative Dentistry
Restorative dentistry is all about bringing mouths back into use. When you have one or more missing or damaged teeth, you may experience difficulty eating, chewing, or even speaking properly. And (if you’re missing one of the front teeth), it can detract from your appearance as well, affecting your confidence and self-esteem! Learn about our different restorative services:
- Permanently replace one or more missing teeth with dental implants.
- Securely hold replacement teeth in position with implant dentures.
- Replace your missing teeth with a dental prosthetic like dentures.
- Repair teeth and stop further decay with cavity fillings.
- Repair damaged or decayed teeth with inlays and onlays.
- Restore broken or cracked teeth with dental crowns.
- Replace a missing tooth with a dental bridge.
- Teeth damaged beyond repair can be removed by extractions.

Cosmetic Dentistry
Sometimes, a thorough tooth cleaning and improved at-home care are all that’s needed to enhance your smile. On the other hand, sometimes you need a little extra help! If you’re feeling a bit self-conscious about your teeth, or perhaps want to look you best for an important event, consider a cosmetic dentistry consultation.
- Repair stains, cracks/chips, and imperfections with porcelain veneers.
- Increase confidence and restore your smile with teeth whitening.
- Professional in-office teeth whitening using GLO Science™.
- Replace amalgam fillings or fill minor cavities with tooth-colored fillings.
- Close gaps or repair chips and cracks in your teeth with dental bonding.
- Reshape and sculpt the gum line using gum lifts.

Emergency Dentistry
We’re here when you need us. We offer general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry services for the whole family throughout the Annapolis area. Whether you have a toothache, sports injury, chipped or broken teeth, lost a crown or filling, issues with dentures, or any other dental emergency we can relieve your pain and correct the problem.
Relieve your pain today, call (410) 263-3700.
Laser Dentistry
Welcome to our cutting-edge dental practice, where we harness the power of laser dentistry to transform smiles and enhance overall health. At West Annapolis Family Dentistry, we specialize in using advanced laser technology to treat a wide range of oral health issues, including periodontal disease and sleep apnea. Our experienced team of dental professionals is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care in a comfortable and welcoming environment.
If you’d like to learn more about how laser dentistry can help treat periodontal disease and sleep apnea, give West Annapolis Family Dentistry a call today at (410) 263-3700.
Sedation Dentistry
Our dedicated team strives to ensure every patient is comfortable and relaxed from the moment they arrive at our Annapolis dental practice. We understand that some patients experience severe dental anxiety or phobia and need extra help relaxing during their dental visits. For anxious patients, those who have sensitive teeth or gums, or those in need of extensive or multiple treatments, we offer multiple options for sedation dentistry.
- Experience comfortable, relaxing, pain-free treatment with nitrous oxide sedation.
- Patients take a pre-medication for relaxed treatment via oral-conscious sedation.
- Medication is delivered to the bloodstream during intravenous (IV) sedation.
Periodontal (gum) disease is an infection of the gums and/or surrounding soft tissue, caused by a buildup of bacteria. The best way to prevent such infections is to practice good brushing, flossing, and nutrition every day. However, once infection does occur, we have several effective ways to treat the condition. These fall into the treatment category we call periodontics.
- Treat gum disease on an ongoing basis with periodontal maintenance.
- Remove tough buildup from your teeth with ultrasonic cleaning.
- Remove plaque, calcification, and buildup with scaling and root planing.
- Treat and prevent gum disease with pocket reduction surgery.
- Reshape/remove excessive gum tissue with crown lengthening.
- When teeth are left exposed by receding gums, treat them with a gingival graft
- Treat gum recession that’s led to resorption with guided bone regeneration
- Use at-home trays and solutions to treat periodontal disease with Perio Protect®.

The portion of teeth we can see is really just the “tip of the iceberg.” Within your mouth, bone and gum tissue surround and supports each tooth, and approximately two-thirds (the root portion) is in the jaw bone. Furthermore, inside every tooth is a canal or series of canals (depending on the number of roots and variety of teeth). Each canal has a vein, artery, and nerve inside. Collectively, we refer to this portion as the pulp. Sometimes this pulp becomes irritated or infected, usually due to trauma or advanced tooth decay. In these cases, a root canal (a.k.a. endodontic treatment/endodontics) may be necessary in order to save the tooth.
- Relieve a painful or infected tooth with root canal treatment.
- Treat infections of the teeth and gums with an abscess removal.

Sleep Apnea
Treatment for snoring and mild-to-moderate obstructive sleep apnea.
Those with snoring and sleep apnea probably know it. You also know your partner nudged you a few times to tell you to ‘quit snoring’. And once you were awake, it took you hours to fall back to sleep. You wonder “will I ever wake up again – full of energy and rested?”
Well, you aren’t alone. You aren’t the only one wondering when you’ll wake fully recharged and full of zest. Over half of all adults – 50% of the population – are getting less than the recommended amount of daily sleep. In addition, your sleep issues not only affect you, but it also burdens your bed partner and sometimes your entire family’s lives as well.
TMJ Treatment
Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) symptoms range from a mildly annoying discomfort to severe, debilitating pain in the face, head, neck, and teeth, plus earaches and spasms of the facial muscles.
When teeth don’t line up properly in the upper or lower jaws it’s called malocclusion. Malocclusion causes extra muscular stress causing muscle and jaw pain. This pain radiates upward to the head and down to the neck and shoulders. Left untreated, parts of the jaw joint will start to collapse and degrade, producing more inflammatory—sharper and more focused—pain.
When it comes to technologies in dentistry, West Annapolis Family Dentistry is always happy to make the investment on behalf of our patients. The field of dentistry is ever-changing, and we have developed an effective strategy of incorporating new advancements in technology while also maintaining traditional and proven methods.
- Less pollution and radiation thanks to our digital X-rays.
- For ultimate precision, many of our procedures are aided by intraoral cameras.
- Crowns and other restorations made in one visit with CEREC®.